Trogladitic houses in Amboise
Today got off to an amusing start as John sat at the largest table for breakfast. Jerry and Simon joined him, and expressed surprise that it had been laid for eight people. We munched our way through the generous bread baskets before the waitress realised we were not the group of eight elderly and rotund Germans, who now had to be squeezed on two small tables of four. As Peter and Andy had seriously overslept, the three of us sat comfortably on the huge table and attracted some quizzical glances from the Germans! Where we bovvered?As we only had to cycle 28 miles today, we spent the morning in strolling around Amboise. We visited the magnificent castle chateau, with its jewel like chapel mounted firmly on the top of monumental masonary. This is where Leonardo da Vinci is buried, or at least part of him! We saw many fine rooms, and there is also a fantastic roof garden,with views over Amboise and the Loire. The castle has two ramps, one on each side, that provide separate access for the Royal coaches and the military. After the castle we visited Clos Lucé, the home of Leonardo da Vinci, who died here. Although he spent the last three years of his life here, they have milked the association.We collected our bikes and bags from the hotel and set off for Loche at 12.45.
Lunch consisted of pannini and sandwich baguettes, sitting of the bank of the River Cher, opposite the beautiful chateau at Chenonceaux.
Although not cold, today was consistently damp, drizzly and grey. The ride to Loche was only 28 miles, which was very welcome after the last few days. We arrived in Loche at 4.30.Simon
Jerry at Loche after ride....yet another short bed!
Chateau at Chenonceaux
Delighted to see you're all holding up. How are the bikes doing and the map reading?
So pleased the wheel is sorted Simon.
Your French lesson for today
"avoir un Coup de pompe" is to be knackered,
Hang in there - love
Mary & Ian
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