Something we haven't mentioned so far is the amazing creativity of the French plumbers. In the café on our first day there was a basin, with a spout, but no visible means of turning it on! Despite the best efforts of the Chief Architect, Chief Industrial Designer, FREE consultations with the Team Solicitor, and helpful murmurings from our top notch Water Consultant....we were baffled!An accidental prodding of the towel rail revealed it to be a level that benabled water to spout forth and fill the basin! The 2nd day gave us a similar problem, which was only solved when Simon put his knee on the front basin panel, and water started to flow! John, Jerry and Simon are sharing a room in Amboise on this 3rd day. The shower is arranged so that as the water pressure is either increased or decreased, the angle of the shower head rises or falls. We think they are out to confuse us, but so far good luck has been on our side! Simon
Afternoon tea in Amboise
Hallo- its great to be able to keep track of you !Have sent one "comment" but it seems to have shot off into cyber space- hope you have had your full ration of punctures and you are luckier in the future .Keep happy and have fun .
hello (john). I hope u are all not to sore and feeling fitter. The house is functioning well without you ! I played roundes Vs GHS and i played for the b team. we won. 9 and a half to 14 and a half. i played tennis on Wed it was also against GHS it was doubles won 1set and los 2 sets.
Have a good time.
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