Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Springing into Life again

My blog was started some time ago, specifically for a cycle ride with Ye Olde Gits, to chronicle our 675 mile journey across France. The following year I added to it in a rather half-hearted manner, to record the first leg of our cycling of a Compostella route, starting in Le Puy, France. This first leg took us over the Massif Centrale, over the Pyrenees, and into Pamplona. We were going to complete the jouirney to Composella this year, but the economic climate persuaded two of us it was worth posponing it until next year.

So.....I have decided to treat my blog in a more diary-like manner, and will add to it when I feel like it, and ignore it when I don't! I am inspired by friends at The Guildford Photographic Society, a number of whom maintain interesting blogs. Mine might not be so interesting, but I shall do my best.

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