Saturday, 14 June 2008

Day 9 Saturday 14 June Navarrenx to Valcarlos

Having refreshments in St-Jean Pied de Port before continuing to our hotel at Valcarlos. Making good progress and the Pyrenees look fabulous.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Day 8 Friday 13 June Aire L'Adour to Navarrenx

Showered and getting ready for meal at Hotel du Commerce, Place des Casernes in Navarrenx. Really good, if demanding ride, and we can see the Pyrenees at last (can spell it now too!) It's been a good Friday 13th. Missed being drenched by minutes, which was a surprise considering the early morning rain.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Day 7 Thursday 12 June Condom to Aire L'Adour

Had Armagnac tasting on the way today. A kind owner filled our water bottles with fresh water, then topped each up with a generous sample of Armagnac - tastes wonderful! Some major roads today which were smooth, but had we had to be very careful with the HUGE lorries thundering past. Our hotel is on a crossroads with the same road and our rooms are a the front...hoping that will drown the sound of snoring! Weather hot all day today and the beautiful clouds in the French blue skies.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Day 6 Wednesday 11 June Moissac to Condom

Group photo at Flamarens
The main square Lauzerte - four refreshed old gits!

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Day 3 Sunday 8 June Estaing to Figeac

We are having technical difficulties in emailing information back to the UK. Please come back here tomorrow! SHW

Friday, 6 June 2008

Day 1 Friday 6 June Le Puy to Aumont-Aubrac

Very wet and cold all day & extremely difficult conditions - Simon and Peter pleased to arrive at Aumont-Aubrac to a warm shower and a welcome meal.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

London to Le Puy

Early start at T5 for flight to Lyon. Re-acquainted with the bikes. Train from Lyon to St Etienne change for second train to Le Puy. Feeling proud of route planning - so far!

Bikes assembled and tested successfully.Bike bags packaged for forwarding to Pamploma ahead of us. Washed and ready for a decent drink, supper and early night. Tipping it down!

'Stuffed' with a really good meal and unnecessary trimmings. Basic but delightful hotel.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

The FROGS go cycling again!

Last minute preparations are underway. Simon HW has packed his pair of undies and toothbrush and the Frogs jet off tomorrow for another exciting cycling trip from Lyon in France, across the Pyrenees and into Spain. Log in here during the next 2 weeks to read all about it!